After stopping and starting a number of posts voicing my utter disappointment and heartbreak at the losses of the boys in blue during week one and two I decided that although I am committed to football and the NY Giants in particular I just couldn't write the correct thing.
My open letter to Jeremy Shockey about spiking the ball (although I have seen spikes and while not the best course of action I am not sure that Jerm actually spiked anything......but that is neither here nor there) never had the correct tone. I could not manage just the right mixture of encouragement and sadness that I am sure Shock needed to hear (from me because frankly I am awesome).
Nor did my poem comparing the defense to a playful bunch of preschoolers (but in a good way) could not capture the essence of my feelings.
You see my mother taught me well, if you can't say anything nice, keep you big mouth shut for Pete's sake!
So in deference to my dearest mother (and the fact that I couldn't put into words the revolving fear, desperation, embarrassment, and pride that I felt) I did not publish anything.
Thank goodness someone said something. The defense really stepped up their play in week 3. Their second half performance was inspired. This proves that The Giants have what it takes. With a slow but not crushing start behind them, they have no where to go except up.
I may seem obvious but I am an offensive line kind of girl, so shall we take a look at what is going on there.
has looked good in all 3 games. Buress
has shown greatness and played with both a sprained ankle and finger (pinkie?). He did drop a number of catches early in the game, but he like the defense rallied at the half and excelled in the end. Derrick Ward was impressive and then there is Thor.
Oh Mighty Thor

you have greatness in you, just let it out. Prove to your naysayers that you deserve the reputation as one bad ass Tight End. Let your actions speak for you. Once you have established dominance in your position (and proven that you can catch all but the most uncatchable ball) they you can say what ever you want. You can taunt and mimic, you can trash talk or encourage.........but first catch the ball. Don't ever public criticize your QB, he ultimately will be the one to make or break you.......hell you can't catch a ball if it isn't thrown to you. And always remember........all those other guys on your team whether they be coaches or players (or that sneaky monkey that died your hands purple) are mere mortals. They make mistakes, hell we all should meet my ex-husband.
Other than Big Blue, I watched the Colts reign victorious over the Gary Kubiak led Texans. The game was to close for comfort, Peyton and the boys need to step it up (although Joseph Addai totally rocks).
I enjoyed this game, as I watched it was coupled with a rerun of Peyton Manning's SNL debut. Although I never let my children watch SNL, I did let them enjoy the antics of Peyton. For two days my daughter had repeated "Spend time with your kids, so Peyton Manning doesn't"
and my son repeats the giggle getter "a little pee came out".
My kids are an interesting pair. Also they both think it is hilarious that Peyton said his mom was cut by the Dolphins.
I coaxed my boy into calling the ex and again placing a fiver on the opponents of the Bears, which this week was the Cowboys. My son is now up ten dollars, but I swear the stress of possibly loosing five dollars almost killed him during the more betting for that kid. The daughter will totally do it, she doesn't stress as easy. Keep playing like this Rex and my ex is going to owe at least one of the children a pretty big chunk of change.
I didn't see the Broncos game, although I know my father is not happy with his team. Monday Night I didn't see much of the Saints/Titans match up before I went to bed, but my hope was with the Saints. All I can ask is What is up Drew Brees???
The Raiders win made me laugh until I fell over. That Lane Kiffin, he is not only a cutey but he is super smart as well........way to learn from those who have beaten you the week before Lane. Kiffin
Also might I say how impressed I am with QB Ben Rothlisberger, Coach Mike Tomlin and the rest of the Steelers...........very nice (on a personal note........Ben you are a hottie).

One last thing........what was up with the Eagles uglier than sin throw(up)back uniforms. That wasn't even nice. Nobody gets paid enough to wear something so vomitous.